Friday, March 23, 2012

Egypt some more...

Could have seen today coming! The dust is settling over the hills of Hurghada at last and the blue "Red sea" is more aqua than ever. Fifty seven kite surfers are up in the northerly winds to the left looking out of the marina. An osprey has made it's sprawling scruffy nest on the outward bound marker just feet from the boats swell. Warming up at 23c the prospects of a swim invite me but the sea is chilly @20c water temperature and I settle for "chili" omelette to warm me up and Nespresso coffee...what more could a girl ask for? Exploration of the local supermarket reveals amazingly diverse supplies and I wonder who buys cat food and a garden rake to compliment their boat stocks....Whatever, nearly everything is available and I am fascinated by the tin of Bombay Indian Curry powder blend number 80. I settle for flat bread and hummus. Magic is the taste of the local honey. I am almost ready for the ancient places that I came here to visit and I start to pack a bag of garments ready to explore in comfort - the great pyramid and sphinx near Cairo. I want to smell it all - feel it - but no more haggling over prices please. I have been offered so many fake watches! Not very Egyptian.
The salted air tastes so, so good...the spray has thickened my hair.
First - This arvo we will sail to the other side of the Red Sea. White hills sprawling. Dolphins calling, just two of them. Lucky me...I am going to need to explain what I am doing on this massive motor yacht at some point I guess...?

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